Welcome to The Bubble Box Blog where you will find free activities and articles related to early childhood development and education with a focus on music and the creative arts. These articles are research and experience driven and authored by The Bubble Box Creator, Sarah Richard-Preston.
World Turtle Day – Say hello to Tiny Tim in “I Had A Little Turtle”
It's World Turtle Day! (Who would have thought? Seems everything has 'its day' nowadays.) I immediately thought of this little rhyme, "I Had A Little Turtle", a children's ryhme about a little turtle called Tiny Tim finds himself in a bath tub and ends up having a...
Bubble Wrap Dancing and Printing – Music and Art Activities for Toddlers
Although I have dedicated my site and program to babies music activities, I will also be posting blogs with music, visual art and play activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers from time to time. If your bub doesn't have an older sibling you might like to share these...
Happy Mother’s Day – Fancy a Musical Present? 20 Coupons for Free Access to my Music for Babies up for Grabs
Happy Mothers' Day to all my fellow mums out there. I hope you've all been spoilt and received plenty of cuddles and "I love you's" from your little cherubs. A special mention goes out to all of the new mums too. There are probably quite of few of you who are...
7 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Sing to Your Baby Every Day
There are just so many fantastic reasons to sing to your baby every day. Research has shown that there are many benefits of exposing babies to music. Here are my top 7 reasons why singing to your baby every day is a win-win, for you and your baby to "make the...
My 7 Top Tips to get the Most out of ‘Music Time’ With Your Baby
So you've made the awesome decision to introduce your baby to music activities, good for you! Now what? How does it all work? Imagine this scenario for a moment… You sit your baby down and you start your first music session together. You start singing and they looks...
“This Is The Way The Ladies Ride” – Free music for babies
This Is The Way The Ladies Ride is a knee-bounce rhyme. This style of activity is a great way for you to support you baby's developing body awareness and balance. The spoken word also encourages language development and bonding. Knee-bounce rhymes are also very good...
Make Instruments for Baby from Simple Household Items
It is tempting in today's world of "hyper consumerism" to buy everything new and shiny. Especially for our babies. I know that I have fallen prey to the “my baby deserves the best so I must buy it brand new” mentality on more than a few occasions. There are endless...
“Row, Row, Row Your Boat” – Free Music for Babies
This is a free music activity for you to enjoy with your baby. It's taken from my Music Activities for Babies 8 session program, Session 1 - "Over The Water" in which we explore songs and nursery rhymes about boats and water. Row, Row, Row Your Boat is a classic...
Introducing Art History to Young Children
Why introduce young children to art history? You may think toddlers and preschoolers are too young to be introduced to art history. How could a young child possibly understand and appreciate Vincent Van Gough’s ‘Starry Night’ if you aren’t sure that you do? The...
Why Quality Counts in Child Care – The Importance of the National Quality Framework
The Australian government established the National Quality Framework for early childhood education at the beginning of last year. The Framework has introduced improved child to educator ratios, new qualification requirements for educators and a focus on learning...
Is there an Easy Choice When it Comes to Being a Stay-at-Home Vs Working Mum?
The debate over whether mothers should stay at home to raise their children versus mothers returning to work during their child's early years is a contentious one to say the least, and there are certainly no easy one-size-fits-all answers. The pros and cons of being a...
Why the Creative Arts are Important for Young Children
The Creative Arts are a Universal language Art is a language that crosses the boundaries of countries and time. There are many ways in which we can have artistic experiences that not only affect our thinking and our emotions but also our connections with each other...
How to Instil a Love of Music in Your Child
Making music is for everyone Do you like to sing along at the top of your lungs in the shower? Perhaps you dance around your kitchen to music when you are making dinner. You might tap your foot along to music during a performance. There is no doubt that music brings...