I am often asked the question – when can I introduce my baby to music? In fact, it’s never too early to introduce your baby to music. You can integrate music into your baby’s day to day routine right from birth, which really is giving them the best start in life. The benefits are undeniably worthwhile – from cognitive to language and literacy development to physical co-ordination to musical development. Music is a pivotal part of every child’s education and oodles of fun to boot. Here are my five fabulous music activities for babies from newborns through to toddlers, which you can do at home. You don’t have to be a ‘music expert’ to do music activities with your baby.
1. Sing musical rhymes and songs with your baby from birth
Sing them as often as you can, wherever you are…in the car, changing bub’s nappy, at the park, in the supermarket (yes in public…I’ll admit I’ve been given a few strange looks before but I’m sure those people would rather see my happy relaxed baby than hear my screaming, unhappy one!), at bedtime…you get the idea. Please, please don’t stress about your singing voice because your baby doesn’t care and singing rhymes with your baby is a super way to boost their development and bond with bub too.

2. Go to or start your own music group
Think back to your days of going to music concerts or festivals and how the experience of sharing music with others made you feel. It’s the same for babies – sharing music is amazing fun for everyone! Look up free rhyme time sessions at your local library or Mummy and me music classes or perhaps start your own music group with your friends or mother’s group. You could even try my program and invite some friends over to share music time. Your baby will have fun interacting with other babies through music!

3. Invest in some good quality percussion instruments
Drums, maracas, tambourines, triangles, bells, xylophones and glockenspiels…percussion instruments are the best kind of toys for babies. They are wonderful learning tools that will provide your baby with endless opportunities for exploration and enjoyment. From newborn to around 6 months you can play the instruments for your baby and they will be fascinated by the variety of sounds. After this your baby will engage with and explore the instruments themselves. Musical instruments make great presents, and good ones last for years. Making music at home is such a lot of fun and something everyone can do together – older siblings, Dad, grandparents, neighbours and friends can join in too!

4. Play a variety of good quality recorded music to your baby
When you play music to your baby from different genres and styles, this helps build creativity and can create a peaceful calm environment. There are radio stations on the internet that play a variety of music for babies such as Little Rockers Radio or apps such as Baby’s Brilliant. If you join The Bubble Box, each session includes a Listen and Move activity which features music from different genres.
5. Send your baby off to sleep with lullabies or soothing music
Singing lullabies soothes your baby and is a lovely way to end the day. There are many beautiful lullabies to send your little one off to sleep – each session of The Bubble Box ends with a lullaby for you to learn and sing to your baby.

So there you are – 5 very easy music activities for babies that you can do every day that will help boost your baby’s development and instil a lifelong love of music!
What’s your baby’s favourite music time activity? Please share in the comments below.