This is a “lap play” taken from Session 2 of my music activities for babies program here at The Bubble Box. In Session 2 we explore all kinds of fun songs. rhymes and dances around the theme “Sun, Moon and Stars”.

What to Do
- Place baby on your lap facing you and rock gently back and forth as you say the rhyme and follow the actions. Note! If your baby is under 6 months please do this activity with baby’s back against you and support her head when raising onto knees/in the air.
Words to ‘Zoom, Zoom, Zoom We’re Going To The Moon”
Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon
Zoom zoom zoom we’re going very soon
If you’d like to take a trip Climb aboard my rocket ship (raise baby up on knees)
Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the moon
5 4 3 2 1.. Blast Off! (lift baby up into the air)